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Legend (Stormwater_Kurb_Channel_)

Storm_Water_Assets (0)
Grate Grate
Manhole Manhole
Pit Pit
Sump/Grate Sump/Grate
Storm_Water_Curbside_Attributes (1)
Crest Crest
Flow Start Point Flow Start Point
Outlet Outlet
Storm_Water_Discharge_from_Curb_Channel (2)
Curb_Channel (3)
Concrete Channel Concrete Channel
Dish Dish
Earth Channel Earth Channel
Kerb and Channel Kerb and Channel
Roadside Runoff Roadside Runoff
Watercourse Watercourse
<all other values> <all other values>
Storm_Water_Curb_Channel_Culverts1 (4)
Storm_Water_Open_Drains (5)
Storm_Water_Pipe_Mains (6)
Storm_Water_Catchments (7)
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
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18 18