Description: This dataset shows areas where liquefaction damage is possible during future strong earthquakes in Waimate District. A site-specific geotechnical investigation may be required within these areas to determine the liquefaction hazard and whether enhanced foundations are required for new buildings. Outside these areas liquefaction damage during strong earthquake shaking is considered unlikely.The areas are based on 1:500,000 liquefaction susceptibility maps drawn by Geotech Consulting Ltd in 2008 for the Earthquake Hazard Assessment for Waimate, Mackenzie and part Waitaki districts (McCahon and Yetton, 2008), GNS Science's 1:250,000 geological map (Forsyth (comp), 2002) and available lidar datasets. Groundwater levels and borelogs from Environment Canterbury's Wells Database and earthquake hazard data has also been considered. The areas cover Holocene (last ~10,000 years) river and stream deposits adjacent to the district's major rivers. In most places the areas have been drawn at a scale of 1:10,000.This dataset has not yet been peer reviewed. It is provisionally supplied to Waimate District Council to guide where geotechnical investigations may be required as part of building consent applications from 29 November 2021. Once the dataset has been peer reviewed it will be supplied to Waimate District Council with an accompanying technical report.
Copyright Text: Drawn by Helen Jack, Senior Scientist, Environment Canterbury, November 2021